Training Methodology

The workshop methodology aims to support participants in how to expand their own personal skills and knowledge. This aim will be accomplished by providing robust and well-designed case studies, integrating sample educational demos, presenting and discussing real life scenarios, performing group assignments and demonstrating web enabled tools and resources. There will be also presentations using PowerPoint slides, videos and various other multimedia tools.

Furthermore, workshop participants will be guided in a very concise and condensed way, both on the strategic side as on the practical classroom management side. Participants will be asked to bring their own materials into the workshop and will be encouraged to interact with the lecturers and other participants. This workshop will follow a very pragmatic approach that will enable the active participant interaction. The workshop notes are going to be available to participants in hard copies and  in electronic form on a CD and available on line at

One thought on “Training Methodology

  1. Maria Vorka

    Thank you Chryso for a very enjoyable seminar.
    It is always a pleasure working with you.
    I will implement funecole into my weekly plans and try to use some of the other applications you so kindly shared with us.
    I am sure the seminar was beneficial to each of us.
    technology may be stressfull to some stressful to some of us but we will slowly and staedily use it.

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