Assessment Aids

If you absolutely must do multiple choice (and if multiple choice is all you do, be warned that you’re missing out), spend as little time as possible grading. These apps literally make it a snap. You create the quiz, students bubble in the answer, and you snap a picture on your mobile device, which is your own personal Scantron. If you’re going to do multiple choice, at least give them immediate feedback. There’s no excuse.

All three of these apps — Quick Key, Grade Ninja, and WISE — are available on iTunes and Google Play, but there are more.

There are also the tools Quizlet ,Studyboost and Studyblue that help teacher or students to create and share online Q&A sets or flashcards in order to memorize facts. Mind42 constructs mind maps or outlines. In addition, if you would like to enhance learning behaviour of the pupils you can use the classdojo

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