Training Methodology

The training is largely based on a series of simulations, i.e. practical exercises that are a simplified reflection of typical business processes, which lend themselves to analysis and discussion of improvement opportunities, and of similarities as well as differences with the participants’ actual situations. Some theoretical and empirical foundations are provided during the discussion following each exercise/simulation, but the focus is on providing practical guidance, tools and techniques for implementation in the participants’ own organisations.

Introductions and debriefing of most exercises are facilitated with short MS Powerpoint presentations, with participants in classroom formation; participants receive a workbook for completing some individual exercises and questionnaires, and for taking notes; participants also have to discuss certain problems and questions among themselves in teams, and present their joint findings or solutions.

The bulk of the seminar/workshop involves business process simulation, using among others Lego blocks, wooden slats, playing cards, etc., whereby participants will physically interact with each other according to specific operating instructions, followed by debriefing.

Facilitator also uses short videos as a way to illustrate certain techniques discussed in the training.

Before the seminar, all participants are invited to fill out an online survey to prepare them for the seminar, as well as to allow the facilitator to prepare some industry-specific exercises or examples.


Evaluation is conceptually related to the glass box approach, in which the primary objective is to gain a greater understanding of impact that the workshop has made to the participants (The word itself has its origins in the French word évaluer—to calculate from a mathematical expression or to express in terms of something already known.)

There will be continuous workshop assessments for evaluating and measuring the workshop effectiveness throughout the duration of the workshop. This is going to be performed with the aid of group work exercises, key lessons learned assessments, open discussions and plenary presentations.

The participants at the end of the workshop will be requested to fill out evaluation forms that will give their feedback in terms of the following key points:

  • Their general views in regard to their participation to the workshop
  • The extent that they have increased their knowledge, skill and perspective
  • The relevance of the workshop to their daily activities
  • The knowledge and effectiveness of the presenter
  • The quality of the seminar material/handouts.
  • The best features/elements/issues as they were raised at the workshop
  • Their willingness to participate in other seminar with the same presenter/training institution

Additionally there will be conducted an internal evaluation activity in regard to organisation administration and seminar management issues

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